silence by Diane Jackman (Lucent Dreaming Issue 8)

the house is silent
no clocks no cars
no animals no trains
silent as the grave
where he lies under
nine feet of that earth
he loved so much

it is so silent I am
hardly here fading image
of the woman I once was
I could disappear
silently unobtrusively
out of character
no one would see me go

the sound of a wineglass
picked up and set down
a slight creak of the table
as the pen moves across the page
when the pen stops
am I not there?

Diane Jackman’s stories and poetry have appeared in Rialto, Spillway, Bangor Literary Journal, optimum, Snakeskin, Happenstance, small press magazines and many anthologies. She won the Liverpool Festival, Deddington and Café Writers Norfolk prizes. She started out as a children’s writer with seven books and 100 published stories. She is passionately interested in Anglo-Saxon literature and medieval rabbit warrens, possibly because she grew up on a farm in the English Midlands, and now lives in rural Norfolk. She has completed several on-line poetry courses during lockdown, but has avoided writing a single poem about viruses.
Buy issue 8 today.
Lucent Dreaming is an independent creative writing magazine publishing beautiful, imaginative and surreal short stories, poetry and artwork from emerging authors and artists worldwide. Our aim is to encourage creativity and to help writers reach publication! Subscribe to Lucent Dreaming now, support us on Patreon and follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram

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