mother’s album
drove me to the past:
running on the Rukuba hills,
sweet potatoes & fresh fruits,
click-clacks of pots & tasty steam,
shopping at the Terminus market in
between the stalls of noisy traders &
the sculpture of a woman with breasts
dangling sideways & a child strapped
on her back, faded always into space.
i hoped to touch her but we left in the
bloodbath of pines & tomatoes when
the crisis broke at the south-central
mosque. we left the shards of jolly
memories trapped forever in
the monumental pages of
mother’s album.
PRESS RELEASE: Publication day for our first fiction title: ‘Jude’ by Elin Heron
Lucent Dreaming has been operating as a creative writing magazine since April 2018 from Cardiff. In 2023, we began our single-author trade publishing venture, launching