I was born here but that doesn’t matter anymore
The colour of my skin defines where I come from
The tongue I speak defines who I am
The name I was given defines where I belong
Where I was born matters no more
The world is at a crossroad
Between progress and damnation
Between peace and war
Between life and death
But what do we do when our leaders
Openly commit acts of sedition
Acts that defy the constitution
That create mass confusion
Chaos amidst preexisting delusion
A language is not my home
A religion is not my home
A community is not my home
A country is not my home
This planet is my home
And I will fight for it
Our nature is my mother
And I will fight for it
Our future is at stake
And I will fight for it
Sitting idly by only does us harm
When there are people in power
Whom we can’t disarm
Who turn a blind eye
Towards searing, helpless bodies
Awaiting their turn to die.
Sedition against the constitution
Sedition against community
Sedition against humanity
Can all still be healed
But environmental sedition
Will be the end of mankind.
If this persists,
Who knows how long we’ll exist.
PRESS RELEASE: Publication day for our first fiction title: ‘Jude’ by Elin Heron
Lucent Dreaming has been operating as a creative writing magazine since April 2018 from Cardiff. In 2023, we began our single-author trade publishing venture, launching