In the Spotlight interview with Jodie Day for Lucent Dreaming

Jodie Day in the Spotlight

Sacred Cuts is the pseudonym Jodie Day, whose poem ‘The Mind’s Eye Has An Infinite View’ is featured in the seventh issue of Lucent Dreaming, uses for her collage work, chosen to represent the ritual process she undertakes and the spiritual journey she embarks on through
her work. Her works deals with themes of transcendency, rituals, and other esoteric philosophies. Although Jodie graduated from Sir John Cass School of Art in London with a degree in Sculpture, she found collage was the perfect medium to relay her thoughts and ideas. Jodie is a mother of three children and live and works in London.

So, what inspired your piece ‘The Minds Eye Has An Infinite View’? Can you tell us a little more about what it’s about? 

As with most of my works, I don’t set out with an idea of what I want to create from start to finish. I have a lot of source material to work from and before I start a new piece I tend to go through those and see what jumps out at me.’The Minds Eye’ piece was quite an early work for me but I remember being drawn to the colours of the background whichinspired me to want create something dreamy and sensual. The surreal elements, like the octopus tentacles, kind of touch on my interest of otherworldly beings and connections to them. The floating boats were to represent thoughts or dreams, making their way peacefully across the universe. For me, making collage is always a wonderful, serendipitous craft. Magic in itself.  

What are some of your favourite books and art (including shows, videos, music) – of all time or more recently. Why are they favourites?  

Wow, ok. I have a very keen interest in all the above and could probably go on forever! so I will just concentrate on what is keeping me grounded in these strange days of late. Book wise, it’s been biographies lately. ‘Strange Angel’ by George Pendle was a great biography on occult, rocket scientist Jack Parsons, a self taught genius who died in strange circumstances. ‘Weird Scenes inside the canyon‘ by David McGowan was an interesting one, its talks about the laurel Canyon, a place 60’s musicians congregated to to create and its hidden, darker side.  ‘Englands Hidden Reverse’ by David Keenan is a wonderful book that focuses (mainly) on three genre-defying bands (Coil, Nurse With Wound and Current 93) and the history of the esoteric underground in the 80’s. I enjoy reading about ‘Strange’ people. It can be really inspiring, especially when it comes to questioning ones self and true purpose.My music taste has been more chilled recently, Trip Hop is a favourite right now. Tricky and Massive Attack are great to create to.  I go through phrases of also wanted to hear the unplugged versions of certain songs, some of the best are by The Cure, Radiohead and Bjork.  I like searching for stuff I haven’t heard in a long time too, most of it from the 90’s, Little blasts from the past that have helped to put a smile on my face.  

What, if anything, are you looking forward to right now and what writing/creative projects are you currently working on?

As a full time mum, I often don’t set myself any projects. I just do what I do, when and as I can. Since the Lockdown and having to home school,I’ve found it hard to balance everything. I am hoping to do some album cover art this year and I would one day like to create a full colour zine of some of my works. But for now, I’m happy to carry on making art in a therapeutic way.  

Can you tell us about how you got into art? Is there anyone whose support or encouragement really inspired or motivated you?  

My mum tells me that I started expressing myself at a young age. she has a drawer full of kiddie drawings (some mine, some my children’s) at her house that she can’ part with. She told me I once coloured my own hair with felt tip pens because I had run out of paper, she smiles when she tells me this story. She allowed and encouraged me to express myself.I’ve always been a shy person and enjoyed own company, that showed through during my schooling favourite lessons were the ones that required a hands on approach to the subjects not the group participation ones.  I was an only child so my playtime often revolved around me create worlds by myself. One thing that I remember loving as a kid with arts and crafts was the peacefulness it brought with it. 
I still love that feeling. It a form of mediation for me.

Where can people see more of you and your work?

I post quite regularly on Instagram.

Lucent Dreaming is an independent creative writing magazine publishing beautiful, imaginative and surreal short stories, poetry and artwork from emerging authors and artists worldwide. Our aim is to encourage creativity and to help writers reach publication! Subscribe to Lucent Dreaming now, support us on Patreon and follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram

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