You are invited to Lucent Dreaming’s first ever poetry contest. It’s free to enter (thanks to our fantastic Patreon supporters) and you could win coveted Lucent Dreaming merch, publication & an Amazon giftcard! All entries will be considered for publication in issue 6.
Download our PDF Lucent Dreaming Poetry Contest 2019 Rules or scroll down for full details, rules, terms and conditions.
Theme: Sedition
We are looking for poems that reflect on the relationship between people and power, which may include topics like human rights, corruption, the environment, sexism, racism, activism, Brexit, law-making/law-breaking, free speech, bodily autonomy/integrity, politics, oligarchy, etc.
- Your poem must be between 1 and 56 lines (including line spacing) and be inspired by our theme.
- Your entry must be previously unpublished.
- You cannot submit a poem you have currently submitted elsewhere. (No simultaneous submissions.)
- You must be 18+ to enter.
- Your poem must be written by you!
- You must submit your entry via our entry form as a document file.
- You can submit ONE poem per round and you cannot resubmit or edit your entry after it has been submitted.
- This contest is open from May 24th 2018 to June 30th 2019 at 23:59 UK time.
Any entries that don’t follow these rules will be automatically disqualified.
How to enter
Go to and fill out our entry form. You must have a Gmail account to enter!*
Your poem will be judged on: the quality of writing; whether we respond emotionally and/or intellectually and your poem’s overall coherence. We will announce the winners of the contest three weeks after the contest ends.
(Awarded if we receive 10 or more qualifying submissions)
1st Prize
£25 or $30 Amazon giftcard, your poem published on our website or in our magazine, limited edition LD merch!
2nd Prize
£10 or $15 Amazon giftcard, your poem published on our website.
Terms and conditions
*If you can’t submit through our Google form, attach your .doc or .docx file with your line count, pen name and submission title to with the subject LD Contest by the deadline. 1. Our prizes are only awarded if we have 10 or more qualifying submissions. 2. We’ll disqualify entries that don’t follow our rules, are offensive or otherwise inappropriate. 3. We can’t accept poems not written in English. 4. By submitting to the contest you agree that if you win, you allow us to publish your poem on our website and/or magazine. 5. We’ll use your email address to contact you regarding your contest entry. 6. We may contact you about publishing your entry in our upcoming issue.