(For Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni)
There was no love or reverence in this:
a justice that no dogma could explain.
This happens in Iran when two boys kiss.
State Islamic courts found them remiss,
condemned them to what Sharia* ordains.
There was no love or reverence in this.
The faithful crowd of Muslims jeered and hissed
as the boys were brought to Justice Square in chains.
This happens in Iran when two boys kiss.
With trousers full of shit and stained with piss,
whipped two-hundred times and hanged from cranes.
There was no love or reverence in this.
Trumped up claims of rape could not dismiss
the outrage at this savage legal shame.
This happens in Iran when two boys kiss.
That human feelings could be so amiss
in the crowd that watched and did explain:
Yes, there was love and reverence in this.