Mo(u)rning Sacrament by Zaynab Bobi (Lucent Dreaming Issue 12)

the marrow curbed in my bones has turned
inventor of dreams in the dark vegetation of night.
say, every night comes with the nomenclature
of the dead (c)louding our dreams.
or the names that will even/t(u)ally snug/ snug
bullets in our skull as we lay on the duvet of the dark,
unpaved street, eternal bedding.
will my mother’s eyes swell with the sun or the sea?
will i still have a name to call?
will i still have a name to answer?
ruhi? ruhi? ruhi?


Masha Allah, you’re still here

but you said, the body does not wake up for its mo(u)rning sacrament.
peek underneath your skin,
unsheathe your skeleton
your 206th bone has left.

Zaynab Bobi, Frontier I, is a Nigerian poet, digital artist and photographer from Bobi. She is a member of Hilltop Creative Art Abuja, a Medical Laboratory Science student of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, and a Best Of The Net nominee. Her poems are published and forthcoming in Strange Horizons, FIYAH Magazine, Anomaly, West Trade Review, Agbowo, Native Skin, TST Review, and elsewhere.
T: @ZainabBobi | I: @Zaynab_i_bobi

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Lucent Dreaming is an independent creative writing magazine and book publisher for beautiful, imaginative and surreal fiction, poetry and artwork from emerging authors and artists worldwide. Subscribe to Lucent Dreaming now, support us on Patreon and follow us on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

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